Tag: mastodon

Scripting News: The web lives in WordPress and Mastodon

I agree with everything that Dave Winer says here, except the part about WordPress not knowing what they have – I think they actually do. Anyway, let the dawning of the day where we take back control of our writing begin!

Scripting News: The web lives in WordPress and Mastodon

Like I said the other day, I doubt if Automattic knows what they have. I seriously doubt it. But in a few years, we’re going to look back on this as the moment when Twitter stopped controlling our writing, as they have since 2006.

I have a new mastodon account – sort of

The microblogging service that I use, micro.blog, has enabled Mastodon compatible usernames. What does this mean? Well I don’t know completely. As I’ve demonstrated before, I haven’t completely figured out ActivityPub, or IndieWeb, or Federated Fediverse – but I’m trying 😀

Anyway, my username for Micro.blog is @andyrush@micro.blog

Mastodon and ActivityPub – Developers – Micro.blog Help Center:

We’ve enabled a Mastodon-compatible username for your Micro.blog account. This means that you can follow anyone on Mastodon from within Micro.blog, and anyone on Mastodon can follow your blog.

Photo by Rolf van Root on Unsplash

Mastodon WordPress Site Verification

UPDATE – So it looks like a big nevermind! After all was said about this plugin adding the “rel=me” stuff, I regret to say I see no evidence of it. I’ll keep diving/swimming…

A problem that has been vexing me for a while is getting a WordPress “blog” as a verified link in my Mastodon profile. Today I finally took a little deeper dive in my still shallow pool of Mastodon/Federated/IndieWeb knowledge and understanding.

Installing the WordPress IndieWeb plugin automagically added the “rel=me” to my Microblog site link so that I could add it to the list of verified sites in my profile. Previous to this, trying to add the rel=me to the main page through widgets and menus had failed.

Hat tip to Tantek for the push to dive deeper into #RelMeAuth. Hope this helps others who are trying to do the same.

Mastodon Quick Tip #2

Here’s a 2nd quick tip if you long for the columns of a TweetDeck-like interface for Mastodon.

You can add columns by “pinning” them on your Mastodon page (after using the Advanced Web Interface).

You can pin your Home Timeline, Local Timeline, and the Federated Timeline, as well as Notifications, Direct Messages, Bookmarks, Favorites, Hashtags, and individual Lists.

Begin by the Getting Started column on view, then click Home.

Start by adding Home column

Once your Home timeline is on view, click the column settings icon.

Click the columns settings icon

Next, “Pin” the column. After pinning, you can move the columns left or right using the left and right arrows.

Pin the item

Now you can repeat the process to add more columns. Theoretically there is no limit to the number of columns, just be prepared to scroll sideways.

Mastodon image courtesy of Wikimedia

Mastodon Quick Tip #1

Here’s a quick tip if you long for the columns of a TweetDeck-like interface for Mastodon.

In the right column of your Mastodon Home screen, click on Preferences (with the “gear” icon).

Mastodon default

On your Preferences page, check the box labeled “Enable advanced web interface”. Then be sure to click the button to “Save changes”.

Mastodon advanced

Next you can configure your columns. You can pin/unpin columns, and change the right-most column to things like DMs, #Explore, etc.

Mastodon columns
I’ve explored some Mac apps that function like TweetDeck but haven’t really found anything good. I’m going to try Mast (spending a whopping $3) and see how it compares. It’s Mac only though. By the way, I’m using TweetBot for Twitter and I have loved it. Maybe they’ll support Mastodon someday.

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